Iqbal Football Academy to organise football tournament in Pampore

PAMPORE: Iqbal Football Academy plans to organise Iqbal Football tournament to improve the talent of young players and predominant teams.
"The event will provide a platform to build healthy relations between crowd and young players to explore their hidden talent and keep them physically fit," the IFA management said.
It added, "The venues of League will be at Saffron Stadium Pampore aka Margi under flood lights."
As per the management, the registration will start from 29-08-2020 with ₹1500 as entry fee. The event material will be provided by Management IFA.
The winning teams will be rewarded ₹10,000 cash prize and ₹5000 are to be given to the runner up.
"For registration, interested people can register by calling on 9797207649,7006613447," the management of IFA said.
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