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'AYUSH immuno boosters' distributed in Pulwama's Rahmoo village

PULWAMA: On the directions of Deputy Commissioner Pulwama and Director ISM & with the support and guidance of CMO Pulwama and ADMO Pulwama (ISM), Pulwama AYUSH doctors distributed 'AYUSH immuno boosters' on Friday distributed medicines pertaining to health & fitness among the volunteers of Rahmoo village.

Recently, the village was declared as a red zone in the backdrop of emergence of one positive COVID-19 patient.

While playing an active and compassionate role, Zonal Medical Officer, PHC Rahmoo, Dr Gulzar Ahmad Bhat boosted the morale of volunteers by stressing upon the social distancing and lockdown as the only tools to contain the deadly pandemic.

The surveillance team also warned bakers within 300 meters to close their shops for the larger benefit of the community.

The inhabitants hailed the services of the surveillance team for ensuring their safety.

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