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District Health Society Ganderbal FMPHW & Staff Nurse Recruitment 2018

Vice Chairman District Health Society
Applications on prescribed format are invited on behalf of District Health Society, Ganderbal from eligible candidates who are permanent residents of District Ganderbal for the below mentioned posts to be hired on Contractual basis under National Health Mission, Ganderbal as per the criteria shown against each.

S. No.
Name of Category / Post
Minimum Qualification / Experience
Selection Criteria
No. of Posts
Female Multipurpose Health Worker (FMPHW)
Qual:- Matric With Diploma in FMPHW Training Course from SMF or any other Recognized Institute Age:-Upto   45 years
i)Screening Test =60 points
ii)Matric =10 points
iii)Diploma in FMPHW from SMF or other Recognized Institute =15 points
iv) Viva Voce 15 points
Total=100 points
Note:- Item (i) to (iii) on prorata basis
Block Kangan (01)
Block Level (RBSK)
Staff Nurses
Qual:- Matric with Diploma in Jr. Staff Nursing training from SMF or any other recognized Institute. Age:- Upto 45 years.
i)Screening Test=60ponits. li)Matric=10points
iii)Diploma in JNM Training from SMF or Other recognized Institute=15 points iv)Viva Voice=15 points
Total=100 points
Note:- Item(i) to (iii) on prorata basis.
Block Ganderbal (02)
Block Level
1.       The applicant must be a permanent resident of J&K, hailing from District Ganderbal.
2.       The expression "Block Level" wherever used in this advertisement notification would mean "Medical Block" and not the "CD Block" certified by concerned Block Medical Officers.
3.       Applications can be rejected by the screening committee if found not falling as per required criteria.
4.       Contract will be offered by District Health Society, Ganderbal and not by the J&K Government.
5.       The initial contract will be for a period up to 31-03-2019, extendable subject to performance review of the selected candidates, budgetary provisions in the next financial year and continuation of Scheme.
6.       The selected candidates shall be paid monthly honorarium under National Health Mission, as communicated by State Health Society J&K and contractual hiring shall not be entitled to any other allowances or monetary benefits whatsoever.
7.       A contractual appointee shall have to execute an agreement/bond with District Health Society Ganderbal.
8.       The contractual appointee shall be required to work at the place against the post to which he/she is appointed and shall not be eligible for transfer from the place of posting.
9.       Only recognized degrees and diplomas shall be considered for eligibility.
10.    Applications not falling in the prescribed criteria or without aforesaid documents shall be rejected out rightly.
11.    The candidature of the appointed candidates shall be cancelled, in case it is found at any stage that he or she has concealed any fact or submitted fraudulent certificates or misrepresented the facts to avail the candidature.
12.    Number of posts may increase or decrease depending upon the sanction/approval from the State Health Society, NHM, J&K or any vacancy which may arise during the process of selection.
13.    Other details regarding this advertisement can be confirmed from the office of the District Health Society, Ganderbal.
i.              Application forms will be available in the office of the District Health Society, Ganderbal. Application forms duly filled and along with all relevant documents shall reach to the office of the under signed by or before 4th of June 2018.
ii.            The District Health Society, Ganderbal shall not be responsible for any postal delays and applications received after last date shall not be entertained.
Sd/- Dr. Roshan Din Kasana
DIPK-2198/18                                                                          Chief Medical Officer Ganderbal

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